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TV tube glass clatters to the floor. Paul is hit by several rounds. He slumps to the floor. |
Steve tries to reach his father. He skitters back under the desk as Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese run through the office. Steve crawls out, cradles his dad's head in his arms. |
Paul weakly places his hand on Steve's cheek. It drops, leaving a smear of blood on Steve's face. Steve breaks down hugging his father's body. |
Steve quickly scrambles back under the desk, while the 1984 Terminator walks through the office.
We see a close up of Steve quietly sitting at his desk, holding his father's police badge and name tag. Sarah, puts her Browning in her jacket, with a look of sympathy on her face. |
(bitter) |
He lets out a sigh and calms down. He picks up the remote, clicks it. |
Steve hits the play button. The TV shows part of the interrogation video of Reese in 1984. |
(filtered) |