Sarah glances at her lost love. Steve hits the pause button.

I went to MIT, studied computer design, and here I am. The CEO thought I was talented and put me in charge of this place.
(beat, takes breath)
Can I get some air?

Sarah nods, but motions for John to keep an eye on him at the door.

Steve exits the room.

Sarah glances over to the desk, seeing Steve's briefcase. She cautiously takes cat-like steps to the desk, quietly opens the briefcase and sits on the desk. John keeps an eye on Steve. She picks up a manila file from the briefcase.


"PROJECT WORMWOOD -- Classified Information of the United States Government, Uses for the T-INFINITY-1 microprocessor, Contract Companies- Digital Integrated Industries and parent company Cyberdyne Systems."

Sarah picks up another one. It describes smart weapons:

M-100 H-K assault vehicle

CSM-101 - Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 - T-70 model.

T-INFINITY computer system for Sky-Net.

Everything that she's been preparing to fight is resting in her clammy and trembling hands. John notices her shaking.

What's wrong?

Like she's seen a ghost, Sarah hands the file to John. She slides herself off the desk in total disbelief.

Steve walks back into the room. He sees John with the files.

If you don't have a security clearance, drop the files.

Sarah points the gun at him suddenly.

Here's my security clearance.


© 1999 - Daniel Perez