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A CROWD surges toward the police. Militia members. Others stand on camouflage vehicles, waving large American flags. The vehicles are marked -- LOS ANGELES CITIZENS MILITIA A MILITIA MEMBER reaches in the back of a jeep. Blonde hair, buzz cut, the Timothy McVeigh type. He moves a copy of THE TURNER DIARIES; reaches for an AR-15 ammo magazine. He clips it in an AR-15 hidden under a tarp. SEVERAL GANG MEMBERS; Cryps and Bloods watch the melee. One gang member briefly hides in the crowd. He nervously places his hand on a .38 caliber tucked in his belt expecting something. Another has a UZI bulging under his jacket. THE REPORTER interviews a middle aged MILITIA GENERAL, salt and pepper hair, four stars on the collar of his camouflage uniform. Beads on sweat on his forehead; furious. |
In the background the militia people rush the police lines. They snatch the U.N. flag and run toward a clearing. They stand with the flag under a set of power lines stretching over the parking lot. A ZIPPO STYLE LIGHTER is pulled out. The militia members torch the U.N. Flag. While it burns a... |