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BLUE ARC OF PLASMA in a double-helix form, drops downward out of the power line, vaporizes the flag. A wave of energy kills the militia members, LURCHING the bodies backwards. The plasma SPLITS in two and forms into two human shaped figures. New types of Terminators. The first TERMINATOR looks like the older model Terminator (Arnold type) on the outside. The second terminator, a T-TWO THOUSAND, forms into a female form, blonde hair, 6 feet tall, bright blue eyes. Both mimic the militia members BDU's and combat boots. The BDU's are black instead of camoflauge. THE MILITIA MEMBER moves through the crowd with the loaded AR-15. Insensed by the black uniforms and dead militia members, he jerks down on the charging handle of the AR-15. |
SHOTS BREAK OUT. The crowd ducks. Round after round SPRAYS from the obviously automated AR-15. The police duck; draw their side arms. Several rounds THRUST through the Terminator and T-TWO THOUSAND. THE MILITIA GENERAL runs and tackles the militia member. They wrestle on the ground; the AR-15 still firing. Several rounds CUT DOWN Cryps and Bloods on the opposite side of the crowd. THE GANG MEMBER, takes an UZI out of his jacket and shoots back. All hell breaks loose. LAPD riot police fire and kill both the Militia member and the Gang member. A RIOT ENSUES in the crowd. Fists fly. Gunfire explodes. Police fire back. The Terminator and the T-TWO THOUSAND walk through the riot unfazed. The Terminator quickly lashes out and snatches a MAG-10 SHOTGUN from a militia member and holds it up. THE MAG-10 turns into blue plasma and becomes part of the Terminators arm. The Mag-10 is absorbed into his body. |