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Sarah concentrates while she driving her car down the street. John glances at the dashboard clock. 7:00 P.M. |
John has his laptop computer in front of him, connected to a cell phone. A blue bordered window, John's account for Phreaknet.net (Savior@phreaknet.net), is on the screen. He uses Sarah's Breaker program to get into Digital Integrated Industries computers. It flashes "SECURITY BYPASSED". |
John turns the laptop toward her, Sarah glances. We see the movement of a mouse icon, files being clicked and moved on Steve's computer screen, an exact copy. |
John moves the track ball and accesses Cyberdyne. He uses a program that switches the digital signatures on the server logs from his Internet Provider's computer to Cyberdyne's. |
IN DAVE'S HOUSE The Terminator and T-2000 morph into plasma. |
Frank sits in his chair,
wearing the virtual reality device. From his POV, we see images of
menus and commands. The device scans his eye movements. He accesses the military computer network, ARPANET. He selects a menu. The computer asks for a security clearance access code. Frank places his hand on a scanner connected to the PC. USER WERNHAUSEN IDENTIFIED Back to Frank's POV. He connects to a computer system at the NUCLEAR COMMAND CENTER. A map of New Mexico and the White Sands Missile Range appear in Frank's 3-D view. |