Net Warrior
Who's this?
Net Warrior
Orange Juice? I had a glass this morning, it didn't kill me.
Ha, ha, ha.
Net Warrior
O.K, what is it? You've been calling all the talk shows on the phone, and now you're E-mailing everybody.
Hey Net Warrior, want to buy my video? Only $29.95
Net Warrior
Sorry O.J., not interested. I'm busy getting the world interested in my T3 script. My site's had close to 700 hits as of February 20th
I've only sold half that number of videos from the old edition.
Net Warrior
Old edition?
Yeah, the new video's related to the Terminator story.
Net Warrior
Oh? In what way?
Do you have time for an explanation?
Net Warrior
I guess. I got plenty of time to kill...Oops, sorry.
It seems no one can solve the murders of my wife Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman which exploded into that nightmare trial.
Net Warrior
A year long nightmare, thanks to the media.
Anyways, from one small piece of dialogue in a book, I found a solution to the entire murder scene and prove that I was framed.
Net Warrior
What's your latest theory?
I happened to browsing through a local book store, looking for a book on screenwriters and I happened upon a book that gave the biographies on several scriptwriters. I bought it and took it home. In the book were biographies on several script writers including Shane Black, Ron Bass, Callie Khouri, Phil Alden Robinson, John Singleton and others. I read through several of these biographies but what I found in one biography presented me with the key to solving the murders, the biography on James Cameron.
Net Warrior
James Cameron, the director? What's he got to do with it?
Not him, something related to him OK?
Net Warrior
Cut to the chase, O.J.
The biography describes Mr. Cameron and his rise to success in Hollywood, but what I'm concentrating on the film that made his success, "The Terminator".
Net Warrior
(mimiking Arnold Schwarzeneggers voice)
I'll be back
It described a discussion on who to cast as the Terminator. Arnold Schwarzenegger was suggested for the part of the Terminator, but get this...
Net Warrior
What O.J., what!
Some one from Orion pictures suggested that Arnold play Kyle Reese and
Net Warrior
Wow! The Orion people must be psychic.
This piece of info didn't bother me much until I rembered the trial discussions about a bloody glove, Colombian neckties, and how I could be in two places at once. My theory is that there were two us O.J.'s on that night.
Net Warrior
Two of you? Come on O.J.
Listen. I, the real O.J., was inside the house getting ready to leave for the airport, and outside was a ...Terminator.. that looked exactly like me.
Net Warrior
O.J., that's a movie. This is reality. Get a grip.
Just bear with me. A duplicate O.J. would explain my blood or duplicated blood being present at the murder scene. In 2029, it's possible the machines cloned my blood from an old LAPD police sample.
Net Warrior
Cloned blood?
Yep. Then the Terminator/O.J. was sent to Los Angeles on June 12th 1994, stole my white Bronco and went to do his job of eliminating Nicole and Ron Goldman because they would eventually get to know each other and have a son to assist John Connor in 2029.
Net Warrior
O.J, in the Terminator movies, L.A. is nuclear wasteland. I'll admit looks a little better than todays L.A. No smog, no traffic jams, no annoying jaywalkers trying to get you in an accident. How can you prove this is real?
I'm proving it right now. The savagery of the killings would explain why a Terminator did it and not me. Also, when Ron Goldman was killed, the Terminator was being systematic. Also why was a blade used instead of bare hands. The Terminator that was played by Schwarzenegger used his bare hands. All the slashing leads me to deduce that the Terminator may have been a T-1000.
Net Warrior
Why a T-1000?
I found another piece of evidence in the script written by James Cameron for the movie Terminator 2.
In the action description of the T-1000, he is described as follows "What the driver doesn't see is the cop, running faster than O.J. Simpson at the airport............!!!"
(taking in a breath)
Thus this is what I conclude so far. The Machines in 2029 read Mr. Camerons script and the book on screenwriters and created an alternate O.J. to get rid of Nicole and Ron so they couldn't create a child to take over the human resistance in case John Connor is ever killed.
Net Warrior
I still can't see how reality and fiction are crossing lines here
I'll explain it soon enough. Thus when the murders were completed, T-1000 used a vial of blood hidden in himself to leak through to his finger to create the effect of blood dripping from the killer.
Net Warrior
That explains the blood.
The T-1000 planted the bloody glove and went to the nearest steel mill and melted himself down so there would be no evidence of an alternate O.J. Or did he really do it himself?
Net Warrior
What do you mean?
Could it have been Sarah Connor and her son John? Maybe Sarah Connor knew Nicole and was secretly staying at her apartment on the night of the murders. Perhaps she knew another Terminator was sent for her. The reason the T-1000 looked like me was to do the following:
1. The Machines wanted everyone in the present to think I did it to distract us all from the involvement of the Machines in the murders. Thus we wouldn't be able to have the ambition to form a resistance movement against the Machines in 2029.
2. The Machines knew Nicole was hiding Sarah Connor and young John Connor and the Machines made the T-1000 look like me so Nicole would open the door.
Net Warrior
While the murders took place, Sarah and John ran out the back door. The T-1000 put the bloody clothing into a black bag, planted one glove at the scene and then went to my house to plant the bag and the glove as Sarah and John followed. After planting evidence, the T-1000 chased them to the steel mill. At the mill, Sarah and John defeated the T-1000 by melting him down.
Net Warrior
I'm still lost, how in the hell can fiction and reality cross into each other.
Have you ever seen the T.V. show "SLIDERS"?
Net Warrior
Yeah, the show about some kid who built an anti-gravity device and ended up traveling to alternate realities. I heard it's supposed to be back on this March on FOX.
That's what happened and Mark Furhman was in on it too.
Net Warrior
Mark "Der Fuehrer" Furhman?
We know the media called him a Nazi, but that's only half the story. I've got the feeling he had access to superior technology left over from Nazi Germany like the Foo Fighters.
Net Warrior
What's a rock band got to do with this?
No, not them. The little UFO's that followed allied aircraft on bombing raids. All the racists have stuff left over from that era.
Net Warrior
You believe Mark Furhman had access to some alternate reality machine?
Of course he did. He set the whole thing up. Why was he the one who discovered the bloody glove and ski mask? And why was he among the first officers to invade my estate?
Net Warrior
What's your proof?
The testimony. There were strange side effects from taking the T-1000 out of the Terminator movies and using him to frame me. The testimony is evidence enough.
Net Warrior
What kind of side effects?
When the T-1000 arrived at my house to plant evidence, Rosa Lopez happed to be in the vicinity and claims she saw my truck at the estate. The Limo driver says it wasn't.
Net Warrior
Sounds like a contradiction in time.
Rather, an "alternate reality effect" that was a part of the T-1000 when he appeared. It zapped Rosa Lopez with the effect, to cause confusion and a shifting effect on her when she saw the truck at the estate. The shifting caused her to shift from one alternate reality to another.
Net Warrior
No wonder the poor woman was confused.
This explains why her testimony kept changing on the stand in court. Unknown to us visually, Rosa Lopez would shift into an alternate reality and another Rosa Lopez from another alternate reality would take her place and give testimony from an alternate world.
Net Warrior
And the limo driver?
The alternate reality effect also briefly caused a dual reality to occur at the estate. This is why some people testified that the Bronco was at the estate and others said it wasn't.
Net Warrior
I've seen plenty of time travel movies. How can this effect still exist even though time-travel briefly opens a hole in the space-time continuum?
The alternate reality effect ripped a hole in the fabric of time between 2029 and June 12th 1994 when the T-1000 appeared. Kind of like the movie "THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT".
Net Warrior
So as long as Rosa Lopez exists with the alternate reality ability, the hole in time will still be there.
Exactly. The effect also messed up the jury as well.
Net Warrior
In what way?
The jurors quitting the jury in droves and draining the alternate jury pool down to two alternate jurors.
Net Warrior
O.K. Who called the LAPD posing as an NBC reporter? They reported the murder a few minutes before the murders actually occured.
The T-1000 did. He emulated Maria Shriver's voice to try to get Arnold dragged into this so there wouldn't be anymore Terminator movies at the request of the Machines.
Net Warrior
So humans couldn't create a revolt in 2029 by continuously seeing the Machines as villains in Terminator movies and be inspired to stop them.
Net Warrior
What about the black bag? We never got to that.
The T-1000 again. After placing the black bag in the driveway, he must have morphed and flowed over to the backside of the house to plant the glove.
Net Warrior
And the noises Kato Kaelin heard?
When the T-1000 resumed his form, he bumped his head three times trying to get up in the narrow passage way. Thus Kato heard the three thumps on his apartment wall.
Net Warrior
Then what did you do with the bag.
When I saw all those bloody clothes inside, I panicked and thought some nut left them behind. That explains why I was nervous when Kato asked me what was in the bag. After that I went to the airport and onto Chicago.
Net Warrior
But the skycap at the airport said only three bags arrived and you said you had five bags, including the black one.
The alternate reality effect from the T-1000 caused it to dissappear out of existence after a certian amount of time. Therefore it could have dissappeared in the trunk of the limo and took another piece of luggage with it.
Net Warrior
This explains why 3 pieces of luggage arrived at the airport, as reported by the skycap, instead of 5.
You got it.
Net Warrior
And meanwhile the T-1000 went to the steel mill right?
That's what I first thought. Here's my guess. As the T-1000 left the estate he saw Sarah and John Connor and chased them to the Alternate Reality lab where the T-1000 was taken out of the Terminator movies by Mr. Furhman. The T-1000 was defeated when they used the Alternate reality technology to place all information him onto a blank video cassete and destroyed it.
Net Warrior
The alternate reality effect you describe explains a lot of things.
This alternate reality effect also affected others who sat on the witness stand, most notably Kato. Kato became the most famous freeloader in America. People were even buying his food for him at restraunts. I should know, I took him to McDonald's often enough. The Alternate Reality Effect caused the Kato we know to leave this Earth and another Kato took his place and did something nobody expected Kato to do. He got a JOB! Is the world coming to an end and nobody told us?
Net Warrior
Look at it this way, no civil trial.
If Kato would have kept his job and quit being a freeloader, this paradox wouldn't continue. It is very well possible the Universe could have imploded on itself with the collapse of reality that would have been caused by the continuing Kato paradox. The fate of the Universe was with Kato.
Net Warrior
Good thing he lost his job or we wouldn't be here. What about the Mark Furhman tapes
All of the Alternae Reality Effects eventually turned the trial around and made all of Mark Furhman's testimony backfire on him when he took the stand.
Net Warrior
I assume this has something to do with the tapes?
The alternate reality effect changed reality in such a way that a North Carolina screenwriter who was doing research on a screenplay suddenly had tapes of interviews with Mr. Furhman making remarks about African-Americans, Judge Ito's wife and about framing people.
Net Warrior
Was it the Alternate Reality Effect that caused this or did someone change history in the past to expose Mr. Furhman? As you know the Terminator movies had time travel as well.
I have a gut feeling that the Terminator, Sarah Connor and her son John discovered Mr. Furhmans Alternate reality technology at the Alternate Reality Lab where they were taken out of the movies by Mr. Fuhrman.
Net Warrior
Then it's possible they sent themselves back in time by reconfiguring the Alternate Reality Equipment to different dates between the years 1985 and 1994 to seek the help of screenwriter Laura Hart McKinny.
Right on the money, only $29.95
Net Warrior
To tape interviews with Mr. Furhman to admit his actions in the LAPD for the purpose of creating a fictional character.
Net Warrior
Why didn't the Terminator, Sarah and John make the tapes themselves?
They didn't want to blow their cover and let Mr. Fuhrman see them in the past and then remember them as he used the alternate reality technology to take the T-1000 out of the Terminator films. Also, fictional characters don't have the ability to instantly create other fictional characters, like we don't have the ability to instantly create other real people. That's why they couldn't make the tapes about a fictional character.
Net Warrior
So once that was done, they convinced Ms. Mckinny to inform your defense people of the existence of the tapes?
Yes, this explains why the taped interviews with Mark Furhman have showed up out of no where and why he purgured him self on the stand.
Net Warrior
The alternate reality effect you described before worked in your favor. The effect made Mark "Der Fuehrer" Furhman look like a liar. The effect spread from the witness stand to the jury and created the reality of the Not Guilty verdict.
Exactly right. Sarah Connor, her son John and the Terminator were successful. That's the real story of why I didn't do it.
Net Warrior
Will the jury of the civil trial believe this as well as the public?
They will and it's only $29.95. I gotta go now.
Net Warrior
O.K. O.J. Cut loose.
Sorry. I kill me.
Well you heard it, the real story behind the killings on June 12, 1994 in Brentwood California, from Orange Juice himself.