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How did you find us?: From annoying the people LPAGE.COM From getting a page for nothing at Geocities After FIDONET went woof. After having Yahoo! A Terminator I sent from the future gave me the information Netscape Hypotized me. Illegal Net Search and Seizure The Pro-CDA people want to ban this site as indecent because of a couple of expletives in the T3 script The URL was left on the Grassy Knoll in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963 Got the URL from the late Jeane Dixon at a seance Wasting time on NewsGroups Militia ravings on Ham Radio. Black Helicopters dropped propaganda leaflets Word of Mouth or some other arpeture. Consulted Hillary's Guru. H.A.A.R.P. System make URL appear in the sky. Illuminati Mind Control Command. Tuned in, Turned on and Dropped Out. URL was part of the aliens ID4 countdown signal. Just Surfed On In and slammed into a rock!
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