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T-INFINITY searches its files. An image appears on the display screen -- J. Robert Oppenheimer. T-INFINITY icily recites a passage from the BHAGAVAD GITA. |
The viewscreens show a group of missile silos in North Dakota with several combines harvesting wheat in the nearby fields. INTERCUT TO several missile silo covers jerking open. A loud rumbling SOUND echoes across the countryside as we FOLLOW a missile exiting the silo in a plume of smoke. It climbs skyward, leaving an exhaust trail. The status of the missiles are shown on screens over T-INFINITY. On one screen the computer generated map of the U.S. shows lines arcing towards the north. |
The message "DEF CON 1" flashes at the bottom of each screen in red letters. T-INFINITY intercepts a message from Washington to Air Force One. PRESIDENT ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE. |
General Harris struggles to free himself from the chair. T-INFINITY sends commands to the Sky-Net satellite system; moving one of the satellites into position. |
THE VIEWSCREENS show Air Force One flying over the ocean. Another screen shows the satellite firing a laser pulse. THE PULSE strikes the fuel tanks in the wings. Air Force One is engulfed in a ball of fire, plummeting to the ground. |