Sarah turns back to Steve. He must have the missing link.

Only one person here could possibly know what the hell that means. Enlighten us, Steve.

Miles Dyson is my alias in the government's computers. The military brass didn't trust Wernhausen. They protected me to protect themselves.

(shaking her head incredously)
The lives of three billion people; decided by lies and greed.

She brandishes her gun menacingly at Steve.

SARAH (cont'd)
AND you.

Sarah places her gun into her jacket, to Steve's relief. She wipes the loose strands of her hair away from her face.

What about Cyberdyne's computer files? How'd you rebuild them?

Steve awkwardly reaches onto the desk for a set of computer disks in a filer. He takes out a CD-ROM.

Your attack on the lab blew up a computer which had encryption keys for the back-up system.

Back-up system?

In the basement. The National Security Agency tried to crack the encryption. Couldn't do it. I opened the files with THIS.

Sarah grasps the CD-ROM -- SARAH'S BREAKER -- VERSION 1.0

Sarah looks as if her reality has collapsed. She walks over to a desk in numbed shock. She picks up a blue paper tray from the desk and HURLS it across the room, shrieking.

NO!! Goddammit!


© 1999 - Daniel Perez