Sarah abruptly pulls back her arm to hit Steve -- BAM! her elbow strikes John in the face. John stumbles backwards to the floor. Sarah slowly turns around in consternation. She hit her son. John takes a BIG BOB'S napkin out of his pocket. He holds his nose to stop the bleeding.

Dammit, you SEE? If we don't work together, we're dead!

Sarah holds her head with her right hand. A temporary psychosis of anger buzzes and passes through her head.

I'm... sorry, John.

Sarah catches her breath. She turns to Steve, her only source of help in a world of confusion, conspiracies, secret deals.

Will you help us?

You have a real funny way of convincing me I should. But...
You're sure your description of the machines are accurate?

Yeah, I'm REAL sure.

Steve reaches out and grabs a wooden box from a nearby bookshelf. He walks over to Sarah then opens it.

A friend of my dad's found this at a steel foundry six years ago.

Steve unwraps cloth out of the box, revealing a slightly crushed ENDO-SKELETON HAND. A shroud uncovering the past.

And we found this in the investigation of Cyberdyne. It somehow survived the explosion.

Steve reaches into the box and takes out the old picture. Sarah sits in a jeep while pregnant with John.

So, are you a believer?

Steve nods. He believes.


© 1999 - Daniel Perez