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A CROWD surges toward the police. Militia members. Others stand on camouflage vehicles, waving large American flags. The vehicles are marked -- LOS ANGELES CITIZENS MILITIA A MILITIA MEMBER reaches in the back of a jeep. Blonde hair, buzz cut, the Timothy McVeigh type. He moves a copy of THE TURNER DIARIES; reaches for an AR- 15 ammo magazine. He clips it in an AR-15 hidden under a tarp. SEVERAL GANG MEMBERS, Cryps and Bloods watch the melee. One gang member briefly hides in the crowd. He nervously places his hand on a .38 caliber tucked in his belt expecting something. Another has a UZI bulging under his jacket. THE REPORTER interviews a middle aged MILITIA GENERAL, salt and pepper hair, four stars on the collar of his camouflage uniform. Beads on sweat on his forehead; furious. |
In the background the
militia people rush the police lines. They snatch the U.N. flag and run
toward a clearing. They stand with the flag under a set of power lines
stretching over the parking lot. A ZIPPO-STYLE LIGHTER is pulled out. The militia members torch the U.N. Flag. While it burns a BLUE ARC OF PLASMA in a double-helical form, drops downward out of the power line, vaporizes the flag. A wave of energy kills the militia members, LURCHING the bodies backwards. The plasma SPLITS in two and forms into two human shaped figures. New types of Terminators. The first TERMINATOR looks like the older model Terminator (Arnold- type) on the outside. The second terminator, a T-2000, forms into a female form, blonde hair, 6 feet tall, bright blue eyes. Both mimic the militia members' BDU's and combat boots. The BDU's are black instead of camoflauge. |