THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY HA, HA, they're coming to take me away ho, ho, hee, hee, ha, ha. To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away. (Could this refer to the Illuminati?)
THE ILLUMINATI SONG - figure out what the Illuminati is up to in the lyrics of this song.
LIFE ON MARS -- The David Bowie Song. Does he know something we don't? Is he an an alien like the B-movie he was in?
THE MACARENA -- The Spanish Disco Craze that's sweeping the planet. Is this song part of a global conspiracy to spread a silly dance? Is the Macarena the Anthem of the New World Order?
STRANGE DAYS - By the Doors. The lead singer's still out there and will appear with the words Mr. Mojo Risin.
STAR TREKKIN - are the lyrics really a plot and conspiracy by the Klingons (remember, this is the 23rd century) to destroy the Federation?
SYNCHRONICITY ARKIVE - A website with several different examples of musics albums aligning with movies. Includes a Wizard of Oz / Dark Side of the Moon section.
WIZARD OF OZ with DARK SIDE OF THE MOON -- a song with coincidences in snycronicity between the Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the moon album.
WIZARD OF OZ AND DSOTM - another site with the synchronicity between the Wizard of Oz and Dark side of the moon.