ALEISTER CROWLEY THE GREAT BEAST 666 -- more information on Crowley at, with links to Crowley's books.
B:.B:. -- a page with information on Jack Parsons, the founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, disciple of Aleister Crowley and best friend of L. Ron Hubbard® of Scientology.
CROWLEYANA -- A page with information on Aleister Crowley.
THE GREAT BEAST - A site with stuff on Crowley's Law of Thelema.
Arachne's Web: Pagan/Wiccan Links - links to several Pagan and Wiccan sites.
CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS -- The worship of Bob Dobbs, the Living Avatar of Slack and the saint of salesmen on Planet Earth. Visit the news group they frequent -- alt.slack BOBDOBBS head is a registered trademark of the Church of the Subgenius. Used with the blessing of Rev. Stang.
CULT OF THE DEAD COW - Yes, they worship a dead cow. Now there will be 11 million dead cows in the U.K. They can thank the Illuminati.
DAVID'S OCCULT LINKS - very weird links here, see how the other half of the world lives.
FAMOUS NON DEAD THEISTS - those who have stated they don't believe in the existence of a higher being.
HELL -- "Give up hope all ye who click here" - SATAN (If you're a christian fundamentalist Pat Robertson type who fears God, then avoid this link at all costs, all others need apply).
JEAN HOUSTON'S MYSTERY SCHOOL -- The homepage of Hillary Clinton's guru. I heard Eleanor Roosevelt's spirit visited Hillary today.
JUAN CARLOS I of SPAIN - Is he the Antichrist? Check out this site.
LOKI CULT PAGE - A cult page dedicated to the mischevous Nordic fire god.
Neo Pagan Times - A pagan newspaper
ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS -- The U.S. Grand Lodge site of this organization which was headed by Aleister Crowley early this century.
PEOPLE FOR A CHRISTIAN INTERNET (or 4th REICH) -- a web page put up by a christian fundamentalist who has links to plenty of "subversive" web sites. Kind of a reminder of Sen. Joe McCarthy?
The Scientific Solution for Government - Aleister (The Beast 666) Crowley's idea of the perfect government.
Disclaimer -- I take NO POSITION on either the PROS or the CONS of Scientology®. The links are merely provided as information. Scientology®, Scientologist, Church of Scientology®, Dianetics®, L. Ron Hubbard® and Clear are trade and service marks and copyrighted by the Church of Scientology®.
COPYRIGHT AND TRADE SECRET ISSUES -- The Church's position on Copyrights and Trademarks.
DIANETICS® -- The Modern Science of Mental Health. If you want to be Clear go to this site.
L. RON HUBBARD® -- A web site dedicated to the man himself.
LEISA GOODMAN'S HOMEPAGE -- The spokeswoman for the Church of Scientology International®
SCIENTOLOGY® vs the Internet -- an interview with Dennis Erlich, the absolute enemy of the Church of Scientology®. Is Erlich possibly Xenu himself?
SCIENTOLOGY® VS. FISHMAN & GEERTZ - A site showing the court cases against Steve Fishman and a court case about Scientology® vs. TIME magazine over their "Cult of Greed" issue from 1990. Did TIME libel them?
THE OFFICIAL STEVE FISHMAN PAGE -- A page put up by an anti-Scientologist®. Could he be preaching anti-scientologism or is there something else deeper here? You decide.
XENU'S HOMEPAGE -- The home of the absolute enemy of Scientology®. What the Antichrist is to Christians, Xenu is to Scientologists®.
XS4ALL -- SCIENTOLOGY® RAID -- A page put up by the Netherlands provider to display the conseqenses of copyright terrorism against the Church.