TORNADOES: NATURES MOST VIOLENT STORMS -- a tornado web site at NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Is it a conspiracy to make us more curious about twisters?
TORNADO PROJECT - A company dedicated to suppling information to tornado enthuasists.
TORRO - TORNADO AND STORM RESEARCH ORGANIZATION -- A website dealing with tornadoes in the United Kingdom (Yes, they actually get tornadoes too). The site even has pictures of English Twisters and damage.
WINDCHASER ONLINE - An online site with graphics of tornadoes by Storm Chaser Lan Lamphere. He even has a video of a UFO crossing the path of a twister he filmed.
MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY VOLCANO PAGE -- a page maintained by Volcanologist Michael Dolan with plenty of real world info on volcanoes.
VOLCANO -- Not to be outdone, a film about a volcano popping out of the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. Tommy Lee Jones stars as an Emergency administrator who must dodge lava flowing through the streets to save the day.