ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS H.A.A.R.P. -- An article regarding the H.A.A.R.P. system in Alaska. Some think it's for mind control while others think it's for controlling the Earth's weather.
EARTHPULSE -- an interesting web site that continues to have updates on the H.A.A.R.P. system.
ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCY WARFARE -- the use of Electromagnetic frequencies in mind control warfare.
ELF SYSTEM -- the military's system for one-way communications with Trident nuclear submaries. If a signal were transmitted to launch missiles and no one was around, would the submarines fire their missiles?
ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE -- United States Activities Board statement on the use of artificial EMP generators in use by the military.
H.A.A.R.P. -- High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project is an antenna array in Alaska which studies the Aurora's created by the atmosphere. It's rumored to be a transmitter for mind control signals. Could it be part of the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control program?
PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT -- AL BIELEK PAPER -- A paper written by Art Bielek, a man who claimed he was on the U.S.S. Eldrige when it traveled through time.
PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT -- A page with plenty of information on the Philadelphia experiment which occured in October 1943 in the Philadelphia shipyard with the dissapppearance of the U.S.S Eldrige.
PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT - DRUE INTERVIEW -- an interview with Drue, a sailor who claims he was on the U.S.S. Eldrige when it vanished and traveled through time.
U.S. NAVY FAQ ON THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT -- Government disinformation? This FAQ pretty much states the Philadelphia Experiment didn't happen. Government cover-up?