CAPTIAN JOYCE RILEY LECTURE ON "GULF WAR SYNDROME" -- Remember the movie "Twelve Monkeys" and the virus that killed 5 Billion people? It's happening with the "Gulf War Syndrome".
COVER-UP OF THE GULF WAR SYNDROME -- what is it that the Government is not telling us. Is the Human race already doomed to extinction?
SENATOR DON RIEGELS GULF WAR SYNDROME REPORT -- a very scary report regarding the Gulf War Syndrome. Did the U.S. Government poison the entire human race? Are we done for? Are the Four Horsemen riding down your street?
STEPHEN KING'S THE STAND -- a page with some info on the book by Stephen King. Is the Gulf War Syndrome a biological mistake like in the book?
THE STAND HORROR SITES -- A map of all the routes followed by characters in "The Stand".
TWELVE MONKEYS - The official website of the movie. Is there really a virus out there that will kill 5 billion people?
THE WORLD HAS BEEN KILLED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT -- read this page at the Cornell University Law site. Our own government can experiment on us. We're as good as dead. They've already done it with the "GULF WAR ILLNESS". Say Hello to Death and his horse Pestilence as he approaches your house.